I believe that I have been giving great feedback to my classmates and the strategies that we have practiced have really helped. My favorite one that I use most often is the 3 W's. It stands for "WOW," where you mention something in their story that really wowed you. The second one is "Wonder," which is where I mention something that I am confused about or something that I am more interested in or questioning. The last one stands for "What If," and that is where you suggest a change that they could make or something that they could add-in.
Reading people's introduction posts really makes me feel like I know them. They mention so many facts about them, and anything you have in common with someone could be something that we can connect over. Most people with dogs will comment on other people's dog pictures and talk about their puppies as well. That is a connection in itself.
To be more successful in the future, the only change that I would make would be to spend a little bit more time on my writing and taking into account the feedback that my classmates leave on my page. I always read through them, but I do not always incorporate the changes and most of them can actually be pretty useful.
Feedback cats meme created on Cheezburger.
The reason that I chose this meme is that I personally believe this. Criticism is not always bad. Constructive criticism is one of my favorite things because you can learn so much from it. It is important to have an open mind when it comes to criticism and using it to learn rather than taking it the wrong way and getting upset.
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