Thursday, January 16, 2020

Storybook Favorites

OU's Haunted Halls

The title of this storybook fits it perfectly. Just by reading the title I already had a good idea of what this storybook was going to be about. The author did a great job on the introduction of this storybook. The combination of the black background he chose for the wording and the picture behind the header of the page makes it spooky. The way he wrote it draws you in so that you want to keep reading. I like how he used different techniques when telling the four different stories. He wrote the first story in the form of a diary so that you know that the student made it safely back to her dorm room to write about this experience. The second story was written in the form of an interactive story and as the reader, I got to make some critical decisions that meant either life or death. By getting to interact with the story it made me feel like I was a part of it and experiencing it. The third story he told as a conversation on the phone between two brothers. In the last story, he just retold a story that was published in a 1940 edition of The Oklahoma Daily. I really like how he used four different techniques to tell the stories because it keeps the reader interested and doesn't let them get bored with stories that are all in the same format.

The Bizzell Library at OU where the fourth story took place.
Web Source: Flickr 

The title for this storybook draws me in because it makes me curious about how a nursery rhyme can go wrong. I like how the author made up a story for the introduction and mentioned how Betty, the main character, was going to visit friends and the friends were the characters in famous nursery rhymes. The font that was used for the title of his storybook tells you that it's kind of creepy and not going to go the way it was planned. Each story starts out with the original nursery rhyme being told and then the story is told with a twist from the author.  The author chose to tell these stories by telling us what happens after the nursery rhyme ends and how their lives planned out. Overall, the design of this storybook was pretty simple. It was more about the context in the story than the design. Unlike the previous storybook, he did not change the design to fit the story but instead kept one design for the whole storybook. 

As a student from OU, reading this title really draws me in because I wonder how they pull off tricks like these at a university so big. The introduction was very creative, especially the way that he distributed his letter to students by having them come out of the air vents in each building at OU. This storybook was very funny and I am very impressed by how the author made these stories from original stories in mythology. They did a great job and were extremely creative. I can't imagine going to class and having these things happen while I am on campus, It would make these days fun and exciting. The design of this storybook is red and white, which matches OU colors. As far as the layout tho it was pretty basic, but the stories were so good that people probably overlook the design. 

1 comment:

  1. I also enjoyed going through all the storybooks. It allowed me to realize all of the creative opportunities to convey a story. Personally, I'm a big fan of interactive storybooks, as they give me a sense of being able to choose my own fate and ending. I also like how the author of OU's Haunted Halls opted to write one story as a diary entry, so you were able to infer that the main character made it home safe and sound. All of these creative choices help to convey the story to readers and keep them interested!
