Friday, February 21, 2020

Week 6 Lab : Crash Course Videos

Video 1:

Mythology is is a subject that touches on literature, history, anthropology, sociology, psychology, religion,  and even science. It is a little bit of everything. Many myths are extremely old and exist in many forms or versions. Mythology is open to many different interpretations. Some scholars spend their whole lives arguing over these interpretations. The line between myth and religion is blurry. In this video, we focused on myths as stories and not facts. Most myths do not have nameable authors, even when they do they are just recasting already existing stories. It is very difficult to find a good definition for the word myth. Myth comes from the Greek word "Mythos" which means story.

Most myths that I have read have Gods in them, but in this video, I learned that not all myths must have Gods like some people believe. Stories can have superheroes as well or none at all and it can just be a story. We heard the story of Persephone and the underworld which is why some people believe that we have winter. Winter is supposedly the 6 months that Kore spends in the underworld. I had heard this story before but hadn't heard the meaning behind it.

The pomegranate with seeds that Kore ate in the underworld. Each 
seed that she ate was one month that she had to spend in the underworld.
Source: Crystalinks

Video 2:

Mythology as a study did not take off until the 18th or 19th century. In the 20th century, anthropologists conducted fieldwork to see how myths worked in society. Recent mythologies have tried to base their work on living individuals. Joseph Campbell was the most famous mythologist in the 20th century. Everyone sees myth differently depending on what their work is. For example, anthropologists and psychologists both view mythology differently and have different beliefs about it.

Video 3:

Heroes in most myths are going to be males, especially in myths in the English language. Some female heroes do exist in the stories but they are not as common. In this video, I learned about the story of 7 girls who conquered hunger, pain, and fear.

Link for the videos:

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